Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bla Bla Bla..............

Despite being a cooler day, I am feeling lazy and I don’t know who to blame. I had to walk a lot yesterday and my legs are still aching. I only realized my legs were not feeling good only at office. Business makes one forget so many things. Today I am feeling so sluggish that I wished I didn’t even have to pee.
While going upstairs I met a colleague and I always fear shaking hand with him for the simple reason that he loves jolting the other with his hand shake. He has got a huge hand and when I shake hand with him, he takes my hand as if he takes a twig in his fist. One has to do a hand exercise to come out of the sudden jolt. Since it was an encounter I couldn’t escape and I forwarded my helpless hand as if I were extending my hands to be caned from teacher for not doing homework. He loves shaking hand and his face light ups as if he were saying so here comes my victims. One of my uncles had told me that communist have this habit of shaking hands rather strongly. I felt foolish when I wondered if he was a communist. Thinking about communists I frequently remember one of the tenants in trishuli. His room was next to me and he always sang revolutionary songs which I had loved to enjoy. Some morning when I wake up, I wish I could hear him again. He was a communist activist and had even participated in underground communist activities before 1990s movement. I don’t remember how he shook hands.
Unlike last few days I have few works staring me from my table but I am just avoiding them just because I don’t feel like doing them as there is still some time left. Though the sun is not in the sky and the clouds are threatening rain it’s really hot. I had started to read a book few months back but had eluded the read after few pages so I thought revisiting the book. I am rather bizarre with books, many times I am more concerned in finishing the book rather than actually grasping its content. Though that is a rare event, I aim at finishing the books when they are not to the par or not as per my expectation. The book started with a lazy not but it is gradually getting interesting so I have started enjoying it. I don’t know when I will finish the book and there is already another book in my mind which I aim to finish by next month. I like to finish a book in one sitting rather than bookmarking them and reopening them after many days are passed, I can’t read books in small quantum.
Today I changed my nick in msn as ‘Depreciating every day’ by being offended with my own laziness. I am loosing interest I think. I had tried to write few lines earlier today but just couldn’t break through and even these lines are not written in an exuberant mood. I do have few subjects but I have reserved them for sometime and I worry by the time I write them, my thoughts would have been stale.
A blank paper is flickering with the air from the fan and a sound of music is coming from the cube that is next to mine but they are not soothing me. Today the whole office is in the mood of celebration after many staffs have been promoted. I have already have sweets ‘three times’ and now I can’t have another piece even if they say I will be paid a 100Rs for consuming sweets. The monotonous sound of the sawing machine is coming from somewhere I cannot see. Everything is so boring. I think I should rather continue with my read.

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