Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Knowing my future

What would it be like if one could see his future? Everyone I have known has always been curious about their future. Even in my contemplations I wonder how I would be five years from now, ten years from now, fifty years from now. It would have been wonderful but may be I will never work because I would already know however I work my future will be what I had seen. Life probably wouldn’t be as wonderful as in uncertainties. They are probably the area of philosophy so I won’t step into these areas. Once I used to visit a home to teach two students, so I was a tutor. They had so many questions on astronomy in specific. Even if I was teaching literature I had to be ready for unrelated question on astronomy. They once asked me if we can see the past and future. I replied I do not know if we can see the future as I doubted that there was already a readymade future for all of us but said it should have been possible to see the past though one couldn’t participate in those events as shown in sci-fi movies dealing with time machines. My logic would be like this, light takes a lot of time to reach distant objects for e.g. it takes eight minutes for the light from sun to reach us. There are stars which are much more distant than sun for which light will take more than hundred years, more than thousand years. So by any mean if we could reach those stars we would be seeing the earth which would be hundred years older. They used to get excited but I used to brutally eclipse their excitement by saying, Einstein had said nothing is capable of travelling at speed greater than that of light. By the time an object reaches the speed of light, it will be converted into energy and energy was lifeless. I knew they would deny believing Einstein and strongly hung up to the concept that we can go into the past. I don’t know why were they much interested in past may be because I had blatantly told them it is not possible to forecast the future.
In so many cases however we might be educated; we tend to believe in things that have no scientific proofs. In our curiosity to know what has future stored for us we visit the fortune tellers, card readers, psychic and even to those who watches our future in their glass bowls. Hindus believe the world runs on the will of god, a man’s destiny is fixed at the time of his birth by the position of different stars and planets. The prophets make a special document of the time when a child was born. There he specifies the position of stars and other planetary bodies. In every occasion that is significant in the life of a Hindu whether that is wedding, starting of business etc. this document known as ‘China’ is consulted.
Mummy is worried about my sadistic approach toward marriage. She believes the stars and other planetary bodies are hindering my prosperity and I am under ill influence of those bodies. She has already consulted three renowned pundits. More or less all of them had similar forecasts and I do not take it as any coincidence but since it is already a academic study, they will consider same facts, do same calculations if any and hence come out with similar answers. It would have been interesting to be present when someone was telling about my future. All those three times I was not present. In spite of my mother’s reproaches I never went to them, either it was my grandmother or mummy herself who went with my ‘China’. Last month a distant relative had come from India, he is in chemical business but he pursued astrological studies out of interest and one of my uncles believed him. The same uncle had made him really popular and there was no way mummy was going to miss visiting him with my ‘China’. Luckily he himself came on a visit and he was served with my ‘China’ along with biscuits and tea. I don’t know whether because mummy loaded him with too many questions or he really didn’t like it, he didn’t touch a single biscuit. Now it was my turn to ask him questions.
Now I have already written that we just cannot avoid so many things with which we are brought up. I do not believe in fixed future but what would I loose if I were to ask him questions. My first question was how will my career shape. He said there is little hope in the job I am currently doing and I won’t have very cordial relation with by boss. Oops the first answer was discouraging. Then? He said I should do something on my own and I will prosper if it will be related to paper i.e. education. I asked him will be able to be a good writer, if there any such prospect. He said wonderful, that was the field made for me. Hmmm.. My next question was received as a destructive shell. I asked him what if I joined politics. Everyone’s eyes was fixed in my face and they thought I was mocking everything. The reply was again not encouraging. He said because of position of some stars during the time I came to this world, I am outspoken and cannot suppress things that I don’t like, with this attitude I had no future in politics. Everyone knows I am outspoken. My next question will I engage myself in social activities. He said I will do many social activities but doubted on what they will be. Will I be rich? Everyone wants to know that. Not rich but I will not be poor though there won’t be scarcity of money but with what I will have I won’t be rich. God!!! Couldn’t you send me some days later when it was propitious? I didn’t ask the question mummy wanted me to ask. Then I asked out of no where if I will have a happy married life. You have a chance of getting married twice now again a devastated married life. At least one thing should have been good. I asked him about my health, it was actually my second question. He said I was healthy and will remain so. Caught you!!! Had my health been good I would do everything that had come to me without any doubt. I have not a single clue if I will ever be able to get rid of anti-depressant.
Since I failed to ask the questions mummy wanted me to ask, she took over me. She learnt from him my wife will be from area north from our home. It won’t be love marriage and if they don’t take initiative I might not marry. She will be well behaved respect and love her in laws. There were so many things he told about my to be wife. I gave no concern to it because he had said my married life will not be very good. I am kidding; I still believe there is no fixed future in the barn of time.
He said this was the most appropriate age for me to get married and my mummy is hell bent to find a bride for me this season. I am not worried about my marriage but wonder how is it going to end because he has said I MIGHT get married more than once. He didn’t say twice he said more than once. Will I keep experimenting with marriage? My not so good relationships with women species might be an omen for my turbulent married life.
We Hindus also believe that god can be appeased, the angry stars and planets can be soothed by offering religious homage to them. Mummy made me jot every detail of what should I do to avoid misfortunes. I won’t be rich, I don’t have good future in my current job, my marriage life will be turbulent what more misfortune should I expect more. Is there any decree that compels me to believe what he said? NO.

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