Thursday, June 12, 2008

Money matters

I remember my college days when with 500 Rs pocket money I still managed to save a few for events not in routine. Just three years passed since then and here I struggle to strike a balance between the money and my expenses for this month. My purse is filled with money many times more than the money I used to have in my college days. No doubt I am spending more and that can be justified with the simple fact that I am not a student but an employee. My requirements have only increased. I have to get card for my cell phone, I have to get a new shirt, trouser or shoes every next month, I have to carry stuffs to home because I am earning son, I have to have lunch in expensive place as Thamel, the bus fare has only risen and I have to move between my office and central office quite often. I only spend Rs 500 for my medicine. These are just few names that do not include the expenses for small things like deodorant, socks, handkerchiefs and small tips I give to Sarita occasionally. Usually we tend to miss the small expenses when we consider our budget though that may only be like buying a candy and they hit our budget hard. Among our daily expenses, there are numerous small expenditures that do not even reach a two figure digit individually. Then the other point that always make my budget look miscalculated are the coins. These coins of one and two are neglected as if they are valueless. I tend to give them to beggars, kids and just buy something for Sane and there I spend quite some amount. When the bus conductor returns me coin I put them in a small dump pocket of my purse and I spend them like nuts. My budget lags behind. Sometime I even have to escape lunches to avoid bankruptcy for the given month. Few months back after seeing a tourist giving a five rupee note to a beggar I mused how much they will earn. During the winter when tourists flock the Thamel area I think their income leaves mine far behind. What a pity? Though with an undergraduate degree in hand and working in so called richest organization in the country, I earn less than a beggar. If the beggar is smart enough and is aware of family planning and thus have a small family he can even save some money which is something I can’t even think of doing. Life’s been really difficult.
To add more to the woes, the fuel prices have soared and that calls for a counter reaction when price of everything will skyrocket. The bus fare has been hiked by Rs. 2 and that means Rs. 4 more everyday and Rs. 120 a month. The prices of food will not remain behind and I will have to comply to the manager’s request for 5Rs. more from today if I think of taking lunch in a small stall or restaurant. In my regular lunch spot I won’t be surprised if I am asked 15 Rs. more. The prices of clothes, deodorants will rise in proportion and I will still have the same meager amount of money. I am just a bachelor and thinking about getting married will be a terrible nightmare.
Last evening I was mulling over economic issues and how to cut down my expenses, my cousin gave me a call and asked me to get few CDs and DVDs. Trapped by my own habit I couldn’t do anything but to comply. My purse will feel lighter with Rs 500. Then I remember another cousin of mine who wanted to join the Scout and I had given him the permission. I had to get him the Scout dress, that will make me slip Rs 1000 to him. One of my closest friends is going abroad for further studies and I ought to get him a gift. Unfortunately because of tax miscalculation few months back I will get Rs. 600 less in salary this time. I needed a disprin, my face must have been very dim and my eyes puzzled. Sarita comes in with her casual question ‘What are you doing?’. She reminded me that I had promised to take her and my cousin to theatre this month. What am I supposed to do? I have also promised her to buy her a set of dress but that is for next month when I will get year end allowance. Last month just to sound generous I declared that I will be giving Rs. 500 to mummy apart from the amount I give at home, which she can spend on her own on anything (that can be bought with Rs. 500). Among all these promises I don’t remorse for the last one and for others I should have considered my purse before promising everything to everyone.
I wish I had a part time job and I will have carried out all my petty expenses from its earning. Hope I will get one soon but then I have time to consider. In morning I have training classes, in the day I have office and in the evening I have not more than two hours. I don’t know what to do.

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