Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Visit to Sarita's school

I had a good sleep but there were meaningless dreams one after another. When there are random dreams one after another the sleep is not freshening and one wakes up really tired. I woke up exhausted yet I went for a morning walk which luckily filled some breathe in my day. I was however still tired. The morning was hot as if it were hell bent to suck up my energy. Buwa had to leave home early so I had to go office on my own i.e. I had to walk all the way to Chabahil, get a public van which would already be bulging with large number of passenger. Worse of all I would have to hang myself at the door of the van and risk my life. Day before yesterday I had an exasperating experience in the van. I had to hang all the way to office and worse of all I had to support myself on one foot as there was no room for other. Whenever the van turned or the driver put brake I would almost fall. I was so frightened and my hand was so much in pain. The first time I had travelled that way it was a thrilling experience almost similar to the one when I had travelled on the hood of a bus in Trishuli as there was no seat inside. Now there is no thrill in it, its quite embarrassing especially if that is in the morning.
I thought about taking a leave today and within next moment it was decided that there will be no office for me today. For a long time I had been thinking about visiting Sarita’s school and learning about how is she doing in studies. These days she has no concentration for studies. The brightness in her face fades away the next moment we ask her to study. Her reasons are same like no assignments, I know everything already, there is nothing to read, I have already studied a lot. Even if she is seen among books, which is a rare event, she is busy in making sketches or reading stories. It was me who had encouraged her to pursue as many activities as possible but now she has shun her studies and to fool us she is always engrossed in making sketches. When one raises concern her answer is simple, ‘It’s my assignment’. Earlier she used to grasp most of the things we used to tell her but she has become little dull. So, I thought I should visit her school and talk with her class teacher. I told her and the very next moment her face was gloomy. She now started throwing reasons on why I should not visit her school, the first reason was our teachers won’t let you put your point and they will only talk their own stuffs, the second reason our teachers are busy all the time and you won’t be able to meet them, they are always in the class. When all her reasons to put me away from her school she brought fired the last missile in her arsenal, she told because she had loose motions today she won’t go to school. Things smelled really fishy but finally she told us why she feared my going to her school. Few days back a guardian had visited her school possibly for complaining about something and the teacher rebuked her for bringing the guardian in school. She feared she might be chided as well. Mummy and Buwa convinced her that I was not going for any kind of complaints, it was just a casual visit and there would be no bad repercussions.
After a siesta I went to her school, which is a small government school with no playground and a small gate. The gate opens on the main road and the noises of children, lessons given by their teachers are clearly heard outside. I went to the small teacher’s room where few teachers were busy checking assignments of students. I looked out for the class teacher of grade 3, he was in the class but another teacher called him. I inquired about Sarita, she was a bright student in class 2 but these days she seems less interested in studies. She loves gossiping and showing tantrums. I was amused but its her age for those things. Unless her gossips does not disturb her class and has no unwanted results there was no problem. She has always had interest in others life like what the neighbors are doing, how is their newly bought fridge, what did the aunty downstairs do yesterday etc. stuffs that interest the traditional house wives. She must have been brought up in similar environment. We always discourage her from taking interest in others lives as they are futile. She comes to me and in casual talk she tells me how Nikita argued with her parents, how Pooja was crying, how much Simran’s new dress cost and sometime they are so irritating that I have to reproach her.
There have been many changes since she came to our home, she skips works, she gets angry and irritated with smallest of the things, she lies a lot and often she steals money. She has become more forgetful as she repeats same mistake time and again even after being told to take caution next time. Sometimes her behavior is outrageous and we have to think about sending her back to home, but when she is in good mood she is a jewel in the family. We are so accustomed to listen her titters, her songs, her girly gossips that the home looks very silent and boring in her absence. Though many times her questions are irritating but they are always innocent and most of the time they bring laughter.
I had seen her while I was going toward the teacher’s room. She was busy making her books and chirping with her friends so she didn’t see me. While returning she was listening to her teacher but I called her and she looked at me. Her eyes showed fear but it had more inquisitiveness. I am waiting for her.

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