Friday, August 15, 2008


A thick white cloud rests on the foot of the hill as if it were a muffler the hill had wrapped around it to avoid cold. Its not a clear evening, the sky the kites wanted to touch a while ago now seems serene and somber. The kids are playing in groups, a group playing football, another doing gymnastic on the heap of sand while others are chasing each other. I sit on my balcony in the second floor feeling lethargic, following the trail of the day slipping into the night. My old neighbor is sitting in his verandah listening the radio, listening to some music I do not recognize.
Weekend is just a part of routine though different from the weekdays. I have finished all money and there is still a whole week to go before I get my salary. I had enough money until something took me into the bookshop. It looked so full of life, so energetic, in its best seller’s rack more books had arrived. Before I could say anything the seller made a call, spoke to someone and they hung up. He smilingly said he had asked someone to get the book I had been asking for last few weeks, from the go down. I worried if I had sufficient money for the book. I looked at all the books carefully, I wanted to have few of them but I had no money. In situation like these I feel so irritated, I feel so worthless that I cannot even afford cheaper interests of mine. I will have few of them next month. But I already have two books waiting to be read. I usually do not postpone reading but for unknown reasons, I have pushed the book inside the drawer. After reading first few pages I learnt the book would not be a smooth reading, I could not have the flow. I need to do analysis with almost every sentences, may be re-read many paragraphs still wondering what it wanted to say. I usually do not read books like these, but then I have paid for it so cannot avoid either.
I had read the book and found it interesting thought it was what I had expected it to be, almost a difficult read. I know I won’t finish this book soon so it will suffice for this month. I was sitting in the balcony with this book but then closed it to look at the silhouette of the hills and the games of the children. The huge tree that stands behind the small house by the street looks melancholy. Just before it another bushy tree stands. It almost looks like a picture of two brothers with a huge age difference between them. The house is sparsely visible, as if it were eyes of some animal behind the bush.
I won’t say my mood has been somber today because just a while ago I was chattering with a friend. It was the usual non-sense stuffs like that of teen agers. I do not know how the mood of the tree had been if it has any. I do not remember how it looked when I was standing in the balcony some time earlier; I had only noticed the kites flying under the white clouds which looked like the beard of Santa Claus. Darkness is already making its presence felt and soon it will be dark. I believe there won’t be moon tonight, it will be veiled behind the clouds. I do not remember seeing stars for a long time, I do not know if I missed them.
The streets are less crowded as being a weekend most people are inside their home. The tree is slowly fluttering as if it were some servant fanning the master to keep him cool or to chase the flies away.

1 comment:

Keshi said...

beautiful, relaxed writing :)
